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Adult Dentistry of Ballantyne


Phone (704) 541-9888
Address 7820 Ballantyne Commons Parkway Ste 102,
Charlotte, NC 28277 United States


Do you live in Charlotte, NC, and happen to be looking for a good dentist for yourself? You can book our appointment for a checkup, for a root canal surgery or even for a teeth whitening session!
With our years of experience as dentists, you don’t have to look anywhere else
Dr. Robert L. Harrell, DDS, has over 21 years of experience in dentistry and is one of the top Ballantyne dentists. He owns Adult dentistry of Ballantyne, which started 24 years ago. Since then, he has created an excellent company that employs the best dentists to give you secure and healthy smiles since the establishment. We offer various services like cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, porcelain crowns and veneers, teeth whitening, Invisalign orthodontics, etc. So, book an appointment with us!

Dr. Robert L. Harrell, DDS, is a top dentist in Charlotte, NC, and has been named Charlotte's best dentists for the past 11 years in a peer-reviewed journal survey. He has over 21 years of experience in the field of dentistry, and with that experience, he created Adult Dentistry of Ballantyne.
With our record of excellence, you’ll never want a second opinion
He realized the importance of taking care of those ever-permanent teeth that we'd gotten at six years of age and which will remain until we die. So, Adult Dentistry of Ballantyne employs only the top Ballantyne dentists and offers a number of services, ranging from cosmetic dentistry to sedation dentistry. We at Adult Dentistry of Ballantyne want to give your teeth intense care.

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